


Euclidean geometry (which involves regular objects like lines, rectangles, circles, boxes, cones,…) fails to describe complex natural objects like clouds, mountains, trees, land coasts, human organs, tissues, cells, proteins, EEG/ECG signals, skin lesions, etc…

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Medical Image Analysis

Medical images have typical non-Euclidean, fractal structure – the fact that triggered the scientific community to apply the tools of fractal analysis for their description. As a research group, we have focused our scientific potential on application of fractal analysis…

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Team Members

1. Assist. Prof. Elena Hadzieva (Coordinator)
2. Assist. Prof. Carlo Ciulla
3. Assist. Prof. Eustrat Zhupa
4. Teach. Ass. Dijana Capeska Bogatinoska
5. Teach. Ass. Ljubinka Gjergjeska
6. Teach. Ass. Aleksandar Karadimche
7. Student Marija Shuminoska
8. Student Risto Petroski