Current Projects

Current Project:
Fractal Analysis of Skin Diseases – FRASKID (financially supported by the UIST “St. Paul the Apostle”)

a) Main activities:

1)  Review of the papers;
2)  Review of the existing algorithms; trade-off analysis;
3)  Introducing new tool with theoretical justification and implementing it in the existing algorithms;
4)  Collecting data (images of skin diseases) from internet databases;
5)  Pre-processing the data;
6)  Processing the data with our new software tool;
7)  Analysing the results;
8)  Collecting the data from real cases;
9)  Pre-processing the real data;
10) Processing the real data with our new software tool;
11) Making conclusions.

b) Overall objectives:

1)  New fractal diagnostic method for some skin diseases;
2)  New method for following the condition of the patient suffering from the analyzed skin diseases.
c)  Specific objectives:
1)  Publishing scientific papers;
2)  Introducing new fractal dimension for quantification of the skin lesions;
3)  Improvement of the existing algorithms for calculating box-counting fractal dimension;
4)  Analyzing the real data in cooperation with the dermatological departments in the region.

c) Specific objectives:

1)  Publishing scientific papers;
2)  Introducing new fractal dimension for quantification of the skin lesions;
3)  Improvement of the existing algorithms for calculating box-counting fractal dimension;
4)  Analyzing the real data in cooperation with the dermatological departments in the region.